Derek Hanssens Birch (DHB) was educated at the Universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh and Oxford, where he studied Law, Philosophy and Literature. His work has been in law and teaching. He gained First Class Merits, the prize in Metaphysics, and Philosophy Medal; was appointed to the office of Director of Public Prosecutions at the Central Criminal Court (London) and awarded a commendation.

For over thirty-five years he has provided overseas students, lawyers, academics and authors with individual help in English language presentation. Many need only correction of English; some, help in oral advocacy and discussion; guidance at the preparatory stage of drafting. Overseas visitors often require help and advice on adapting their style to the particular requirements of the English system. Most benefit from immediate and regular meeting at DHB's home in central Cambridge.

Subjects have included: Archaeology, Anthropology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Genetics, Geography, History, International Relations, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Management and Business Administration, Medicine, Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences, Theology and Zoology.

DHB's particular specialisations are:

proofing and finalising the English of theses, diplomas, dissertations and reports. DHB has provided proofreading and editing services to C.U. staff and graduate students of many nationalities, for whom fluency in English is vital to success in diploma, dissertation and doctoral thesis; to overseas lawyers, academics and many others.

job applications: ensuring that you do not lose your interview because of poor English in your CV,  r�sum� or covering letter .

presentations: checking that your English holds the attention of your audience. Put them at ease, sure that in the shortest time they will have the best understanding.

editorial services In addition to proof-reading, a full editorial service is offered, securing clarity of analysis, presentation of argument and advice prior to publication.

examination preparation for all principal examinations in English as a Foreign Language. DHB is a former examiner for the Cambridge University Language Examinations Syndicate in its highest EFL exam, the Certificate of Proficiency in English.

help with all aspects of English - generalist, specialist (especially legal) and academic. As well as preparing students for examination, DHB has given courses for foreign judges, lawyers (practising and academic), senior management of banks, companies and Members of the European Parliament.