English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
 Examination Preparation
DHB is a former examiner for the Cambridge University Language Examinations Syndicate in its highest EFL examination, the Certificate of Proficiency in English.

DHB offers individual examination preparation for all principal examinations in English as a Foreign Language, including:

First Certificate
For those who have taken typical "school" English, the First Certificate provides skills adequate for everyday demands and is recognised by many employers, e.g. banks, airlines and hotels. The exam is usually taken after one term in Cambridge.
Certificate of Advanced English
Suited to those intending to work with English as a major part of their job. If you have good English when you arrive, it may be possible to proceed straight to the exam.
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
For those intending to study at higher level or whose work needs near-native skills. It is recognised in many countries as sufficient qualification for teaching English and is one of the most widely accepted qualifications for attending courses at university.

Demanding but rewarding, this course is most appropriate to those who have achieved a good grade in other exams or shown distinct ability in the language.

The International English Language Testing System provides assessment of candidates' readiness to study and/or train in the medium of English at e.g. UK Universities and institutes of Higher Education.
This is comparable with Cambridge Proficiency, and is a requirement of entry to U.S. Universities.

Cambridge Exams are held in June and December. Registration takes place in March and October .